Digital Reception

Digital Reception is a highly configurable system supporting any number of social care settings. It is a front-of-house e-reception book for visitors, staff, and residents.

Digital Reception monitors, tracks, and records visitor information on Android or Apple touchscreen tablets. In addition, the Digital Reception’s touchless sign-in helps to keep care homes safe by reducing the spread of illness.

Digital Reception has partnered with Autumna for live ratings – the largest register of social care providers for the elderly in the UK.

Is your organisation still using old-style visitor books?

Old-style visitor books in care homes are a thing of the past thanks to Person Centred Software’s new front of house, hands-free, GDPR compliant visitor management system.

You can now welcome your guests with Digital Reception, a system that not only offers a professional first impression to guests but safeguards your organisation too. Accurate visitor monitoring and recording are essential for any organisation – from a safety point of view, it is crucial to know who is on-site in the event of an emergency evacuation.

With Digital Reception, care providers can now create an inviting and welcoming experience for guests, all whilst maintaining security and safety protocols.

Benefits of Digital Reception

Staff costs can be reduced

Gives your visitors a great first impression

Allows feedback to be shared quickly and effortlessly

Saves time, reduces workload, and improves employee well-being

Visitors’ details can be integrated into your Digital Care System to evidence who has visited each resident

Digital Reception is integrated with Autumna, bringing you a new sophisticated feedback module which allows care homes to gather valuable feedback in real-time

Gives better visibility into visitor activity

Cuts out manual processes and improves digital efficiency

Helps to meet safety and compliance requirements

Includes COVID vaccination status check and editable COVID questions

Links to your Person Centred Software’s Digital Care Plan to auto-populate a visitor’s arrival and departure within the resident’s care notes

How do visitors use Digital Reception?

Visitors simply follow the three steps below to get signed in:

1. Pick a profile

Upon arrival, a visitor, staff member or resident is presented with a welcome screen where they can pick a profile to best suit them.

2. Scan a QR code or touch the tablet screen

Using their smartphone, visitors can either scan the profile QR code most suited to them without touching the tablet screen or they can touch the screen to select the right profile for them.

The system can automatically transfer to visitors’ phones so that there is no need to touch the screen if they don’t want to.

3. Enter details

After scanning, the visitor will choose if they are arriving or leaving and are then asked to enter their details. (Information requested is all customisable per Profile type and per Organisation).